
Since 2013, JA Group Kyoto has been involved in the Kyoto Vegetable Global Branding Project, which aims to strengthen the branding of Kyoto vegetables, and agricultural and livestock products produced in Kyoto.
In order to increase the awareness of, and establish Kyoto vegetables and Uji matcha tea as a global brand, in 2013 government officials were invited to a grand banquet at the Palace of Versailles in France, which featured Kyoto vegetables. In each subsequent year, a banquet was held in the historical palaces in Turkey, China, and Russia, as a promotional activity for Kyoto vegetables.
Meeting Record
スペイン(マドリード)Spain , Madrid- デ・ラ・キンタ・デル・パルド宮殿での晩餐会
- 日本食材提案会
イタリア・バチカン市国- バチカン美術館での晩餐会
- 日本食材提案会
- The Banquet at Vatican Museums
- Japanese Ingredient Proposal Meeting
イギリス(ロンドン)UK (London)- ハンプトンコート宮殿
- ロンドン料理関係事業者との懇談会
- 日本食材提案会
- Hampton Court Palace Banquet
- London Food Related Business Person Gathering
- Japanese Ingredient Proposal Meeting
ロシア(モスクワ)Russia (Moscow)- ペトロフスキー宮殿での晩餐会
- モスクワ市内レストランでの宇治茶・日本酒PR
- 日ロ食品関連事業者懇談会
- Banquet at Palace of Petroskey
- Promotion of Uji Matcha Tea and Japanese Sake at a Moscow Restaurant
- JJapan-Russia Food Related Business Gathering
中国(北京)China (Beijing)- 宋慶齢故居での晩餐会
- JA女性部と中国人女性との文化交流
- 京倫ホテルでの宇治茶PR
- 中国農業部での講演会
- Banquet at the Soong Ching-ling Memorial Residence (important Chinese cultural asset)
- Cultural Exchange between JA Women’s Division and Chinese Women
- Promotion of Uji Matcha Tea at the Jinglun Hotel
- Lecture at the Chinese Agricultural Department
トルコ(イスタンブール)Turkey (Istanbul)- トプカプ宮殿での晩餐会
- イスタンブール市内での宇治茶PR「Kyoto Fair」イベント
- JAグループ京都とトルコ流通関係者の交流会
- トルコ有名レストランにおける宇治茶PR
- トルコTV番組に出演し、京野菜・宇治茶のPR
- Banquet at Topkapi (World Heritage)
- “Kyoto Fair” Event, Promoting Uji Matcha Tea in Istanbul
- Exchange Meeting between JA Group Kyoto and Turkey Distribution Participants
- Promoting Uji Matcha Tea in a Famous Turkish Restaurant
- Promoting Kyoto Vegetables, Uji Matcha Tea on a Turkish TV Show
フランス(パリ)France (Paris)- ベルサイユ宮殿での晩餐会
- 王の菜園での「京野菜」看板贈呈式
- ベルサイユ宮殿での京野菜、宇治茶、日本酒「祝」の展示
- Signboard presentation of “Kyoto Vegetables” in Potager du roi
- Exhibitions of Kyoto vegetables, Uji matcha tea, and Japanese sake “Iwai” at the Palace of Versailles
- Banquet at the Palace of Versailles using Kyoto vegetables