
万願寺甘とう Manganji Pepper 萬願寺甜辣椒
舞鶴生まれの京野菜「万願寺甘とう」は、大正末期、伏見とうがらしと大型ピーマンが交雑してできたのではないかといわれています。 とうがらしの王様ともいえる大きさを持ちながら、果肉は軟らかく甘味があり、かつ、種が少なく食べやすいことが特徴です。 これほど美味しいとうがらしが、京都市場に出回るようになったのはまだ20年位前。 味の良さと形の面白さが次第に浸透して、人気急上昇中の新しい京野菜です。
It is said that the Manganji pepper, originated in Maizuru, by crossing the Fushimi Chilli Peppers with the Big Green Peppers in the late Taisho period. While it has the size to be the king of peppers, its flesh is soft, sweet, has fewer seeds, and it is easy to eat. This delicious pepper appeared on the Kyoto market some 20 years ago. Due to its pleasant taste and interesting shape, they are gradually making their way into the market. This new Kyoto vegetable (Kyo-Yasai) is quickly gaining popularity.