
京みず菜 Kyo Mizuna (Japanese mustard greens) 京水菜
葉に深い切れ込みがあるのが特徴のみず菜は、江戸時代の書物「雍州府誌」に東寺や九条辺りで栽培されていた記録があり、江戸時代以前から京都を中心に栽培されてきたものと考えられています。 京都のみず菜は千筋京みず菜ともいわれ、葉柄が繊細で細く白く、葉の緑とのコントラストが実に美しい野菜です。一株で4kgを超えるような大きなものが多かったのですが、最近では小株のうちに早取りされた小袋みず菜が人気を呼んでいます。 軟らかく、かつシャキシャキとした歯ざわりの「京みず菜」は、鍋ものはもちろん、サラダ感覚で周年味わえる現在の京野菜の代表選手となっています。
It has deep-cut leaves as its main characteristic. Mizuna is believed to have been cultivated in Kyoto since before the Edo period, as records of “Yoshufushi” Magazine report that is was cultivated around Toji Temple and Kujo neighborhood. Kyoto’s Mizuna is also called, Sensuji Mizuna. It has very thin, delicate, white leaf stalks, which contrasts beautifully with the green. Large 4kg bags were sold in large quantities in the past, but recently the small packages have become very popular and sell quickly. Kyo Mizuna is soft, and crisp and is naturally suitable for hot pot dishes, but also good for salads. It represents one of Kyoto’s vegetables (Kyo-Yasai), which can be enjoyed all year round.