
丹波くり Tamba Kuri (Chestnut) 丹波栗
栗といえば丹波栗、日本一の栗の代名詞のようにいわれています。 丹波くりは、京の伝統野菜以上ともいえる歴史をもつ京都の秋を代表する味覚です。 亀岡から、船井郡、綾部や福知山、夜久野辺りまでを丹波地方といいますが、丹波の栗は古くから献上物として都に運ばれるとともに、江戸時代には年貢米の替わりとしても上納されてきました。それゆえに、生産者の研究心も高く、時代時代に品種の選定や熱心な栽培技術の改良がなされてきたのです。丹波栗は一つの品種ではなく、農家の努力と丹波の風土・気象条件が生み出した京の逸品なのです。
The most well-known chestnut is the Tamba chestnut in Japan. With its long history and richness in taste, Tamba chestnuts represent Kyoto’s traditional autumn vegetables. Kameoka, Funaigun, Ayabe, Fukuchiyama, and Yakuno are part of the Tamba region, Tamaba chestnuts were served as an offering and also influenced the annual rice tax during the Edo period. Chestnuts were introduced as a form of currency replacing the rice in Tamaba for a certain period of time. Because of this history, many producers became highly interested and have improved the quality of the chestnuts over time. After years of research, the cultivation process have increased after many years of experience. The Tamba chestnuts is not just a single product, but also something that is special to the region and its people, carefully grown by passionate farmers and the favorable climate of Kyoto.