
伏見とうがらし Fushimi Chilli Pepper 伏見辣椒
伏見とうがらしは、1684年の「雍州府誌」に「山城の国、伏見辺りで作られたものが有名」と記載されており、かなり古くから伏見付近を中心に栽培されてきたものと思われます。 別名「ひもとう」ともいわれるように、とうがらしの中では最も細長い品種で20cm位になるものもあります。京都では家庭菜園で作っている人も多く、焼き物、炒め物、煮物など実はもちろん葉っぱまで「きごしょう」といって佃煮にして食べるという重宝な野菜でした。 食物繊維、カルシウム、ビタミンCなど豊富な夏バテ解消野菜。京都の先人たちは、選びぬいて「良きもの」を後世に残してくれたのです。
The Fushimi chilli pepper is recorded in “Yoshufushi” magazine from 1684, as the famous product of Fushimi, Yamashiro Province. There is evidence that it has been cultivated around Fushimi for a long time. It is also called, “string pepper”, known for being the longest among the elongated chilli peppers, which can reach up 20cm. Many people in Kyoto grow it in their home gardens, not only for the fruit of the plant, but also for their leaves (Kigosho), for they are cooked as Tsukudani (preserved food). This practical vegetable is edible and goes well in grilled, fried, or stewed dishes. This vegetable is rich in dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin C, which helps the body to cope with the summer fatigue. It is a great gift our ancestors in Kyoto left for us and their future generations.